Jerusalem in Ruins: more than 100 years ago |
"Jerusalem in Ruins" - dozens of antique photographs documenting Jerusalem • Gallery: Western Wall, gates of Jerusalem, Jewish and Muslim Quarter, Haneviim and Jaffa Streets, Hurva and Tiferet Yisrael, Sultan's Pool, Mughrabi Quarter • 40 pictures of tears |
Reproduction photography: Boaz Ben-Ari, Behadrey Haredim 17 Jul 2013 12:58 (Israel time) |
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"Jerusalem in Ruins" – an art reproduction of dozens of antique photographs documenting Jerusalem, 100 years ago or more.
The images show the Western Wall over several years and differences in generations, the Old City, Hanevi'im Street, Jaffa Street, Jerusalem Gates, Tower of David, Muslim Quarter, view of the Hurva and Tiferet Yisrael synagogues, Damascus Gate, Beast Market in the valley of Silwan , Sultan's Pool, Kidron Valley, Mughrabi Quarter (now Western Wall plaza), Mount Zion, Jewish Quarter, railway compound, Mount of Olives, Lions Gate, interior of the Hurva Synagogue and an ancient map.

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